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 Under the Radar Archive 2021

Have you all seen snow dragon Jasper?!
by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 22, 2021

A Chicago couple created the coolest sculpture!

Over in Lincoln Square, Warren Window and Alexis Hoffman sculpted a snow dragon. The snow dragon is named Jasper after one of the couple’s neighbor’s young son who asked if the snow dragon had a name yet.

Snow dragon Jasper has the dragon nostrils, the slanted eyes, the horns, and the scales with fire being the only thing snow dragon Jasper is missing.

Snow dragon Jasper;

And that’s mainly due to the local ordinances. Because hey, you can’t have a fire blowing dragon blowing fire out of its nostrils on your front yard.

I must admit, though, that would be cool to see fire coming out of the nostrils of a snow dragon that’s just hanging out on somebody’s front yard. I can see it now all of the fire and smoke blowing everywhere.

It would be the coolest thing ever!

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